Podcasts Interviewing Leyden about his Ideas
Peter Leyden is asked to appear on many outlets in the burgeoning world of podcasts to tailor his ideas and analysis to the evolving story of our time. He often does them from his home office that he built in his backyard in the San Franicsco Bay Area (above).
Below you can find a range of some of his most interesting recent podcasts where he lays out the ideas that he also communicates through his keynote talks and writing. Click on the images or links to get to the original material.
French Podcast on Remarkable People & Asking the Oracle
“What supersedes shareholder capitalism?” That was the first of three questions that Leyden said he would ask an Oracle if he were ever given the chance.
The premise of this terrific French podcast is to seek out what they consider “remarkable people” and give them the chance to ask three questions about the future to an Oracle who would be obliged to answer it truthfully today.
Of course the actual answer is impossible, but the questions the podcast elicits from a wide range of thought leaders give insights into what are the most important questions we humans need to figure out today.
This is one of the most unusual but insightful podcasts that Leyden has recently participated in and the whole conversation showcases what he thinks are the most important questions of the 21st century.
Worth the listen of the whole episode which briefly starts in French but quickly shifts to English.
The Realignment: Is California the Future of American Politics?
The Realignment is an ambitious podcast driven by two young conservatives who are trying to explore what American politics could look like in the decades ahead. They consistently get A list thought leaders and have amassed a devoted following.
Leyden delivered his analysis about what actually could happen in American politics in the 2020s, and he kept going on a wide range of topics about the future of America and the world in a conversation that lasted for an hour and a half.
You can listen to the audio podcast on The Realignment’s dedicated page that links to all major podcast platforms, or watch the conversation on YouTube or just watch here by clicking the adjacent video.
Podcast in DC on National Policy & Government
Leyden was asked to lay out his latest thinking on a podcast that is well-known within goverment and policy circles inside Washington D.C, hosted by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation.
Leyden explained how he expects three world-historic tech booms to play out this decade and keep driving an economic long boom. He made suggestions of how the federal government could best manage these booms in order to make the most of them for the American people.
Check out both the hour-long audio podcast as well as a written transcript of the conversation too.
The 12 Global Paradigm Shifts Live Podcast to a Global Audience
Leyden made an appearance on a Podcast based in Europe but with a broad global audience given the nature of the conversation. The show was run by European Futurist Gerd Leonhard who does most of his talks around the world.
The live video format allowed both of us to present slides that laid out our respective ideas on the coming global paradigm shifts as well as take questions from the live audience that numbered in the thousands from around the world when the program started.
You can see everything in the adjacent video.
CleanTechies Podcast to the ESG World
In this hour-long podcast, Leyden focused on the clean energy transition, the circular economy, and how synthetic biology could remake many materials in a much more sustainable way.
You can listen to the audio podcast on Apple Podcasts, or listen to the conversation on the dedicated website with all the extra notes and outlines.
The Peaceful Political Revolution in America Podcast
Leyden could see that America is heading into many fundamental system changes that would have many political repercussions.
So he laid out a relatively optimistic look at what would might be expected to come in the next decade as politics navigates these technological and economic changes.
The Peaceful Political Revolution in America podcast had done their homework on Leyden’s past work and so this turned out to be a very interesting conversation.
Listen to the whole episode by clicking on the adjacent image of George Washington and start thinking about fundamental invention like he did.
The Dov Baron Podcast on Leadership
Leyden was asked to join one of the leading futurists from Europe in a wide-ranging conversation about the pros and cons of Generative AI.
Leyden took more the positive perspective from his base in San Francisco while Gerd Leonhard took a more critical perspective from his base in Switzerland.
This all took place on the Dov Baron podcast that has interviewed more than 500 thought leaders on leadership over the years. Inc magazine has called Dov Baron the number 1 podcast for Fortune 500 executives.
Check out the hour-long podcast of the first part of their conversation (or click the adjacent images), and then you can get the second half.
The Futurati Podcast for the Futurist World
The futurist Thomas Frey has hosted a podcast that is directed more to the world of futurists throughout America and the world. He asked Leyden to come on his show relatively early in the series, which now numbers in the hundreds.
You can listen to the audio podcast on Apple Podcasts, or listen to the conversation on YouTube in the adjacent video.
Whiskey & Lemon Podcast Geared to Millennials
This 30-minute podcast came out shortly after Leyden published his magazine piece The Great Progression: 2025 to 2050 in the fall of 2022.
The host has read the piece and loved it so much he asked Leyden to lay out the ideas on the show. So you can get a lively conversation about the key ideas that come through in that popular magazine piece.
You can listen to the audio podcast on Apple Podcasts, or listen to the conversation on the dedicated website with all the extra notes.