Short Video Clips of Recent Keynote Talks
For the two years after Generative AI broke onto the scene, Leyden has given probably 40 keynotes talks in America and Europe that explains the big picture story of what’s happening and how this all could play out in the next 25 years.
Here you can find short video clips of several highly-produced videos of recent keynote talks that lay out many of Peter Leyden’s key ideas on artificial intelligence, transformative technologies and the future.
If you want to get a sense of Leyden’s high-energy, inspirational style of speaking, as well as his use of dazzling images and powerful info-graphics in his slides, then sample these short clips, all of which can also be watched on YouTube.
If you really want the full experience and go deep on his ideas about the future, then there are plenty of full-length videos of Leyden on this website in the sections on Speaking and Full Talks.
Opening Clip of The World Historic Breakthrough of AI
This is a short clip of the opening overview of Peter Leyden's talk The Great Progression 2025 to 2050 about the positive potential of AI and other transformational new technologies as they scale up over the 25 years.
Leyden gave this keynote talk to kick off a global conference of 1300 senior leaders in the data center industry from 17 countries in the fall of 2024 in Phoenix Arizona.
This video explains what he has been learning as the host and convener of The AI Age Begins event series at ground zero for the AI revolution in San Francisco.
Opening Clip on AI & the Three Tech Ages in France
This is an overview segment towards the beginning of a talk on The Great Progression by Peter Leyden to open a summit of European business executives in Cannes, France.
Leyden explains what he means by The Great Progression of the next 25 years and lays out the three world-historic technologies that will boom during this period: AI, Clean Energies, and Bioengineering.
All of them will open up a new age in tech.
The Key History & Foundations for AI
This is a short clip on the history and foundations of AI from Peter Leyden's talk The Great Progression 2025 to 2050.
This video explains how AI is the culmination of the last 40 years of the Digital Revolution and could only have arrived now. Leyden also explains how the breakthrough of voice interaction with AI has been the holy grail since the beginning of computing.
Leyden gave this keynote talk to kick off a global conference of 1300 senior leaders in the data center industry from 17 countries in the fall of 2024 in Phoenix Arizona.
The adjacent photo is Leyden on stage taken from the back of that huge hall.
The Many System Changes & Paradigm Shifts of the 2020s
Leyden explains how the world of the last 40 years operated as one mega-system made up of 10 sub-systems that are breaking down or becoming obsolete.
He contrasts that with a new emerging mega-system made up of 10 sub-systems that supersede all those older systems.
Leyden argues that the next 10 years will require a series of strategic paradigm shifts from the old concepts to the new.
This clip is part of the closing keynote talk given in the main hall of the Moscone Center in San Francisco to the RiskWorld global conference.
On Tech Tipping Points Applied to Clean Energy Technologies
This is a segment on how tech tipping points and paradigm shifts generally work, and how they are now playing out in clean energy technologies like solar and electric vehicles.
This clip comes from a talk on The Great Progression by Peter Leyden to open a summit of European business executives in Cannes, France,
Tech Step changes & the Top 25 Technologies of All History
This is a short clip on technological step changes from Peter Leyden's talk The Great Progression 2025 to 2050.
This clip explains how the technological leaps forward of AI, Clean Energies and Bioengineering fit in the step changes of capabilities for all human history.
Opening Overview Clip of The Transformation in the Decades Ahead
Leyden lays out the ambitious agenda of the entire talk as an attempt to explain what's really happening in the world today, what's probably coming in the decade ahead, what's possible to achieve in the next 25 years, and what you can do to prepare.
Positive Impacts of AI: Assistants, Tutors & Self-Driving Cars
This is a short clip on the many positive impacts coming with AI and other transformational new technologies as they scale up over the 25 years.
This clip goes through the impact of virtual assistants on productivity, virtual tutors on education, and autonomous vehicles on cities.
Playlist from YouTube of Many Short Clips on AI
The adjacent video is actually the first video of a playlist of many short clips from various Leyden talks coming off YouTube.
This first video is about how to think about China and the US as the two AI superpowers going forward. He explains the two very different approaches to AI from China and the US and how that matters.
Leyden also pulls back and gives a very long-term look at how people in the future will look back on our time.
But after that first clip you can watch another 17 clips that will keep coming. Kick back and watch.
The Mega Challenge of Climate Change & the World to Come
This short clip uses stunning graphics to lay out the numbers of the rise of carbon in earth's atmosphere since the beginning of human beings and then what needs to be done to reduce carbon for the rest of this century to solve climate change.
Another Playlist of Short Clips from 3 Different Talks
This is a YouTube playlist of 26 short clips from several talks that Leyden has recently given.
The first clip is a segment on how the three key new technologies of AI, Clean Energies, and Bioengineering could lead to a new era of abundance in the next 25 years.
But the other clips will continue in the same window or you can click through and go directly to YouTube too.
The Historic Transition Between Generations from 2020 to 2050
This short clip lays out the critical shift in power happening between generations in America from today through 2050. It makes the case that the Millennial Generation has now become the dominant generation in America while the Boomer generation retires and dies off.
The Inexorable Technologies and Trends to Come
Leyden quickly lays out 10 of these Inexorables that will play out in America and another half dozen that will take place globally in the coming decades. This is an overview introduction of the topics that he goes into with more depth in the full keynote talk.
The Spread of Ubiquitous Artificial Intelligence & the Impact on Innovation
This short clip explains what will happen when Artificial Intelligence becomes readily available to everyone and simultaneous language translation becomes near perfect in the 2020s.
One outcome will be that the cross-fertilization of ideas and the access to new Information will cause innovation to explode.
Note that this is from a talk in 2022 before the breakthrough of Generative AI, which has only accelerated the progress.
The Astounding Growth of the Global Middle Class & Its Impact on the World
This short clip lays out the surprising numbers showing that half the population of the world today is middle class or richer - and we can expect to add almost 2 billion more in the 2020s. Members of this global middle class are not as prosperous as the Western middle class but can afford a refrigerator, air conditioner and scooter and live a good life.
The Age of Biological Production & the Takeoff of Cultured Meat
This short clip explains how the explosive growth of Biotech could soon usher in a new age of biological production that could eventually supersede industrial production in how humans make most things this century. The current rise of what is called cultured meat is an early indicator of what lays ahead.
The Reinvention of Transportation Through Electric Mobility
This clip explains how and why the entire auto industry has now tipped towards electric mobility and away from the internal combustion engine. It lays out how the core costs of batteries dropped while the adoption of electric vehicles ramped up much like digital technologies did in the previous era..
Talk Ending on How Next Decades Will Be Remembered for Centuries
This short clip puts the 2020s and the next three decades in the much broader context of all of human history and speculates on how people will think back on the first half of the 21st century in the centuries to come.