Short Video Clips of Recent Keynote Talks

Here you can find short video clips of several highly-produced videos of recent keynote talks that lay out many of Peter Leyden’s key ideas on artificial intelligence, transformative technologies and the future.

These clips from big stages throughout America and Europe also give you as good sense of his energized, inspiring style in front of various audiences.

If you really want the full experience and go deep on his ideas about the future, then there are plenty of full-length videos of Leyden on this website in the sections on Speaking and Full Talks.

Opening Overview Clip of The Transformation in the Decades Ahead

Leyden lays out the ambitious agenda of the entire talk as an attempt to explain what's really happening in the world today, what's probably coming in the decade ahead, what's possible to achieve in the next 25 years, and what you can do to prepare. (3 mins)

The Inexorable Technologies and Trends to Come

Leyden quickly lays out 10 of these Inexorables that will play out in America and another half dozen that will take place globally in the coming decades. This is an overview introduction of the topics that he goes into with more depth in the full keynote talk. (1 min 53 sec)

The Many System Changes & Paradigm Shifts of the 2020s

Leyden explains how the world of the last 40 years operated as one mega-system made up of 10 sub-systems that are breaking down or becoming obsolete. He contrasts that with a new emerging mega-system made up of 10 sub-systems that supersede all those older systems. Leyden argues that the next 10 years will require a series of strategic paradigm shifts from the old concepts to the new.(2 min 48 sec)

The Mega Challenge of Climate Change & the World to Come

This short clip uses stunning graphics to lay out the numbers of the rise of carbon in earth's atmosphere since the beginning of human beings and then what needs to be done to reduce carbon for the rest of this century to solve climate change. (2 min 33 sec)

The Reinvention of Transportation Through Electric Mobility

This clip explains how and why the entire auto industry has now tipped towards electric mobility and away from the internal combustion engine. It lays out how the core costs of batteries dropped while the adoption of electric vehicles ramped up much like digital technologies did in the previous era.. (2 min 50 sec)

The Historic Transition Between Generations from 2020 to 2050

This short clip lays out the critical shift in power happening between generations in America from today through 2050. It makes the case that the Millennial Generation has now become the dominant generation in America while the Boomer generation retires and dies off. (2 min 04 sec)

An Economic Long Boom Coming off Three Historic Tech Transformations

This short clip makes the case that we're heading into an economic boom through the coming decade based on three world-historic tech booms driving through our era. Despite current talk about a possible recession, the general outlook over the coming decades will be for a long boom. (2 min 29 sec)

The Spread of Ubiquitous Artificial Intelligence & the Impact on Innovation

This short clip explains what will happen when Artificial Intelligence becomes readily available to everyone and simultaneous language translation becomes near perfect in the 2020s. One outcome will be that the cross-fertilization of ideas and the access to new Information will cause innovation to explode. (1 min 54 sec)

The Stunning Rise of Tech Companies & Getting Beyond the Techlash

This short clip puts the current Techlash against the leading tech companies of Silicon Valley and the West Coast in broader context and shows their dramatic rise in value in just the last 10 years. This dramatic shift in their size and power is what is mostly driving the backlash because people seem to like all the capabilities that these new technologies bring. (2 min 52 sec)

The Age of Biological Production & the Takeoff of Cultured Meat

This short clip explains how the explosive growth of Biotech could soon usher in a new age of biological production that could eventually supersede industrial production in how humans make most things this century. The current rise of what is called cultured meat is an early indicator of what lays ahead. (4 min 17 sec)

The Astounding Growth of the Global Middle Class & Its Impact on the World

This short clip lays out the surprising numbers showing that half the population of the world today is middle class or richer - and we can expect to add almost 2 billion more in the 2020s. Members of this global middle class are not as prosperous as the Western middle class but can afford a refrigerator, air conditioner and scooter and live a good life. (1 min 26 sec)

Talk Ending on How Next Decades Will Be Remembered for Centuries

This short clip puts the 2020s and the next three decades in the much broader context of all of human history and speculates on how people will think back on the first half of the 21st century in the centuries to come. (2 min 29 sec)